Monday, December 12, 2016

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, by Carmine Gallo

  1. What is the one big idea you want to leave with your audience? It should be short, memorable, and in subject-verb-object sequence.
  2. Identify why you're excited about this company/product/feature, etc.
  3. Write out the three messages you want the audience to receive, and develop metaphors and analogies in support.
  4. Include a demonstration if your product topic lends itself to such. (Eg. pull the product out of your pocket if it is 'pocket-sized.'
  5. Invite partners and customers to participate.
  6. Include video clips if helpful, but limit to three minutes or less.
  7. Answer the "Why should I care?" that's in the audience's mind. Have a passion for creating a better future.
  8. Having an enemy (eg. IBM, Microsoft) helps visualize 'the problem' you're solving.
  9. Simplify your presentation (and products).
  10. Make numbers meaningful - eg. "Stores 1,000 songs," not "5 GB memory."
  11. Don't use 'bullet-point' style visuals; instead, use short phrases that accompany your talk, or pictures.
  12. Practice, practice, practice - and ask for feedback.

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